Meeting Agenda


Deer Creek Conservation District board meetings are held at 8 a.m. on the second Tuesday of each month in the district office.

Schedule of regular meetings for calendar year 2022:

  • January 11, 2022
  • February 8, 2022
  • March 8, 2022
  • April 12, 2022
  • May 10, 2022
  • June 14, 2022
  • July 12, 2022
  • August 9, 2022
  • September 13, 2022
  • October 11, 2022
  • November 8, 2022
  • December 13, 2022
Most Recent Minutes

Place:  300 South Broadway – Weatherford, OK.

Time:   8:00am – 10:11 am


Members Present:          Larry Wright 

                                                Ed Crall

                                                Doug Misak (Entered at 8:10)

                                                Wyatt Lohman

                                                Trinity Smith


Members Absent:         



Others Present:              Alli Selsor, District Manager

                                              Brandon Taylor, NRCS

                                              Amy Weathers, OCC






  1. Meeting was called to order with a quorum present by chairmen Larry Wright. He noted this was a regular scheduled meeting, held in compliance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, Title 25 of the Oklahoma Statutes, Sections 301 and following, as amended. Notice of this scheduled meeting is on file with the Custer County Clerk’s office. The agenda for this meeting was posted at 8:00 AM May 10, 2024 at the front entrance of the district office, 300 S. Broadway, Weatherford.



  1. Administer Oath of Office and Loyalty Oath for Larry Wright

– The Oath of Office and Loyalty Oath was administered by District Manager to Larry Wright,              paperwork was filled out afterward. No action was taken.




  1. Consideration of and possible action on – April 9, 2024 Minutes

-The minutes were reviewed by the board; motion was made by Crall, seconded by Lohman to approve the April 9, 2024 minutes.  Motion carried with Misak, Crall, Lohman, Smith, and Wright voting aye.



  1. Consideration of and Possible Action on Financial Statement, Bank Statement Reconciliation, District Reimbursement Claim, Payment of Bills Owed by District and Review of Allocation Register.
  2. Reimbursements for April 2024 OSF3
  3. b. Reimbursements for E2 Newspaper Publications OSF3

– The board reviewed the financial items, and claim for the OCC and the newspaper publication fees reimbursements. Motion by Misak, seconded by Crall to file financial statement and reconciliation reports to pay accounts payable, to approve claims for reimbursement from the Oklahoma Conservation Commission, and the newspaper publication fees claim… Motion carried with Crall, Lohman, Misak, Smith, and Wright voting aye. The financials were referenced as attached as exhibit

  1. Consideration of and possible action on District Manager payroll worksheet and timesheet for April 2024.

– Motion was made by Crall, seconded by Misak to approve the payroll worksheet and timesheet for the District Manager in April 2024. Motion carried with Crall, Lohman, Misak, Smith, and Wright voting aye.



  1. Consideration of and Possible Action on the Following District Operation items:
  2. FY26 Budget Request

– Board members reviewed the PY26 budget request outline and suggest that that they look into getting prices for a mulcher to add to the budget. Smith made a motion to approve getting prices for mulcher equipment to add to the PY26 budget, Lohman seconded. Motion carried with Crall, Lohman, Misak, Smith, and Wright voting aye.


  1. PY26 Cost Share

– (These minutes had to be ratified due to the lack of quorum in the March 2024 meeting, this must be reviewed and voted on, the two board members removed themselves from the following conversation.) Selsor presented the information that the OCC sent out to the district emails for the new cost share program. She went through each PY26 cost share check list item, the board members reviewed the state cost share guideline packet, then began going down the checklist. The board said that they did want to participate in the cost share, they discussed that the board did want to approve that the board members were allowed to participate and those members are Doug Misak and Trinity Smith. They next discussed that Larry Wright will be the district representative for the cost share program. The board decided that they wanted to allow all practices on the given codes listed in the guidelines to be on the list for the district. They also mentioned that the district will not exceed 85% rate and can’t exceed $7,500 per participant. The board created a ranking sheet from high priority to low priority. Finally, they spoke that they want the application period to be open on May 6, 2024 to July 3, 2024. Crall made a motion to approve the district participation, board participation and participants, district representative, all practices, can’t exceed 85% and $7500 per participant, the ranking sheet, and application period from May 6, 2024 to July 3, 2024, Lohman seconded. Motion carried with Crall, Lohman, and Wright voting aye. The Cost Share Guidelines and Ranking Sheet were referenced as attached as exhibit.


  1. Long Range Plan – Meeting Date

– Selsor suggested that the long range plan meeting could be before the next meeting on June 11, 2024 at 8 AM and advertised it in the local paper on May 18, and May 25th. Smith made a motion to approve the meeting date and time and advertisement dates, Crall seconded. Motion carried with Smith, Crall, Lohman, Misak, and Wright voting aye.

  1. Cobb Creek Site #2

– Selsor spoke about possibly needing an agreement for the landowner for Cobb Creek Site #3, this was suggested by George Moore of OCC. Item was tabled.

  1. Training Takeaways

– Selsor presented the training takeaways that were covering the election dates and important information on the worksheet, board members reviewed the sheet. No action was taken.

  1. Election Dates E2

– Selsor mentioned that the Election Day was coming up in June and no one has yet to run against Crall for the E2 position. Item was tabled.

  1. Joint of Operations

– Board members reviewed the joint of operation rough draft and made some changes to the prices in the estimated budget section of the plan. Smith made a motion to approve the joint of operations rough draft with some changes, Lohman seconded. Motion carried with Smith, Crall, Lohman, Misak, and Wright voting aye.



  1. Consideration of and possible action on the following cost share items
  2. Emergency drought allocation report and update

– Board members reviewed the allocation report and Selsor gave an update on emergency drought allocation that there were no new updates. The board reviewed all of the emergency drought allocation paperwork. No action was taken. The allocation was referenced as attached as an exhibit.



  1. Program year 25 allocation report and update

– Board members reviewed the PY25 allocation and Selsor gave a report over the allocation and said there were no new updates. Board members reviewed the allocation paperwork, no action was taken. The allocation was referenced as attached as an exhibit.



  1. New Business

– Selsor spoke that Deer Creek Conservation District had an applicant for the OCC SHIP Program get approved, which was Shane O’Daniel. She also spoke about the grasslander that was sold for a good price at Entz Auction in the past week. And Wright spoke that the district got approved for the Americorp program and will be having an intern sent out to the district to help out.


  1. Correspondence:

            – None



  1. Reports


  1. Directors/Associate Directors

– Smith spoke that she was recently at the FFA banquet, that she has been working on her family’s garden, and also attended the outdoor classroom. She also spoke that her and her husband hosted a Kubota field hay day and she has been selling her farms stamped beef.

– Crall reported that he attended Spring Fest, Herbal Fest, and Herbal Affair in Tulsa with his wife selling goat milks soap, he also spoke that he picked up his farms bee nucleuses, as well as he taught sessions at the Deer Creek Conservation District Outdoor Classroom, He mentioned that he helped with adverting the Weatherford Farmers Market by going on the local radio show and he attended the first day of the farmers market here in town.

– Misak reported that SWIFT was interested in expanding into smaller markets for beef and poultry operations. He also mentioned that he was about to retire from being a Colony volunteer firefighter.

– Wright reported that he attended the conservation day at the capitol, he also mention he helped the district manger with a new map/outline and ran through the set up at the park for the outdoor classroom. He spoke that he donated 25 pounds of asparagus to Connections Food Resource Center. He also spoke that he helped host the National Land & Range Judging Contest. Lastly he stated that he also attended the first day of the Weatherford Farmers Market.

– Lohman spoke that he attended the Grow Your Own Food field day at Dewey County Conservation District, where he taught meat poultry information. He also mentioned that he and his wife purchased 80 acres in Washita County; he will also be speaking at Kiwanas on June 11, 2024. He also spoke that he taught sessions at the Deer Creek Conservation District Outdoor Classroom.



  1. District Manager

– District Manger provided a written report


  1. NRCS Report

            – NRCS provided a written report



  1. Public Comments




  1. Adjournment

– Motion by Smith, seconded by Crall to adjourn Deer Creek Conservation District Board of Directors Meeting at 10:11 am.  Motion carried with Lohman, Misak, Crall, Smith, and Wright voting aye.







Next regular board meeting to be held June 11, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. in the District Office.


CC – Oklahoma Cons. Commission      Rep. Anthony Moore          Rep. Nick Archer       Senator Darcy Jech                       

  Joe Caughlin, OACD President Ed Casey, OACD Vice President   Oscar Nelson, OACD Area IV Director